Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Day in the Life - Afternoon

Naturally, lunch is next. One great thing about making native country friends is the opportunity to be introduced to places and food that we wouldn't be able to try on our own. Here's the gang at a "certified food with no pollutants" restaurant. The Chinese equivalent of organic? I guess we've been eating polluted food all along! Next to G. is Terry (he helped us with Children's Hospital and has rudimentary English), then Wang Mei and Fu Chao.

The first part of our meal. Soup and rice came later.

G. couldn't get enough of this. It's some kind of Chinese Medicine soup. It was delicious - and hopefully had some health benefits, too.

Girlfriends enjoying lunch. Conversing with E. is Shan Shan. They are inseparable at school.

Walking home after a fine meal and wonderful company:

Although it was more like six hours, it was wonderful to experience part of a typical Chinese family Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola tio!,disculpeme por no haberle respondido los correos.. pero esa direccion ya no la uso, le mande un correo con mi nueva direccion, ojala se encuentren todos bien, asi que les queda poco en china ehh?, ojala pronto lo podamos volver a ver, nos vemos tio, siempre estoy revisando su blog!!! adiossss
